Articulating Jib Cranes
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Articulating Jib Cranes can position and spot loads around obstructions, through doorways, in machines and in places you cannot reach with traditional jib cranes. Articulating Jib Cranes have two independently moving boom arms. The secondary boom arm rotates a full 360 degrees, while the primary arm rotates 360 degrees on free standing or ceiling mounted models or 200 degrees when mounted on a wall or column.
Stewart Handling can help you determine which of the following Articulating Jib Cranes will work best in your environment.
The Free Standing Articulating Jib is a perfect choice where there are no walls or columns to mount the crane but you need the versatility of an articulating jib crane.
The Ceiling Mounted Articulating Jib Crane can be mounted to a platform supported bridge crane to swing outside the normal coverage of a bridge crane. With an Articulating Jib mounted to a platform, multiple work cells can be covered with just on crane and lifting device.
The Wall Mounted Articulating Jib Crane is best used for application that require maneuvering around or under obstructions and there is an adequate wall / column to support the crane.

Stewart Handling can help you determine which of the following Articulating Jib Cranes will work best in your environment.
Free Standing Articulating Jib
The Free Standing Articulating Jib is a perfect choice where there are no walls or columns to mount the crane but you need the versatility of an articulating jib crane.- Capacity up to 2000 lbs.
- Standard circular coverage spans up to 16’
- 360 degree rotation at each pivot point
- Can be used with hook mounted lifting device (electric, air or vacuum)
Ceiling Mounted Articulating Jib Crane
The Ceiling Mounted Articulating Jib Crane can be mounted to a platform supported bridge crane to swing outside the normal coverage of a bridge crane. With an Articulating Jib mounted to a platform, multiple work cells can be covered with just on crane and lifting device.- Capacity up to 2000 lbs.
- Standard circular coverage spans up to 16’
- 360 degree rotation at each pivot point
- Can be used with air, electric or vacuum hook mounted lifting device
Wall Mounted Articulating Jib Crane
The Wall Mounted Articulating Jib Crane is best used for application that require maneuvering around or under obstructions and there is an adequate wall / column to support the crane.- Capacity up to 2000 lbs.
- Standard circular coverage spans up to 16’
- 200 degree rotation on the primary boom
Free Standing PIVOT PRO
The Free Standing PIVOT PRO is used for vacuum lifting application or lighter capacity applications where to benefits of an articulating arm is useful. The PIVOT PRO features vacuum sealed arms to reduce hose festooning.
- Capacity up to 150 lbs.
- Standard circular coverage spans up to 12’
- 360 degree rotation on the primary boom and 300 degree on secondary arm
- Standard heights under boom to 12’
Wall Mounted PIVOT PRO
The Wall Mounted PIVOT PRO has features similar to the Free Standing PIVOT PRO, with the exception of the 360 degree primary boom rotation. It provides easy rotation and consistent responsiveness when positioning loads throughout the crane’s coverage area.
- Capacity up to 150 lbs.
- Standard circular coverage spans up to 12’
- 200 degree rotation on the primary boom and 300 degree on secondary arm